Monday, January 31, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011

Furry Friday!

Since my life has been reduced to blogging this means I'm bored! Yay for Furries! Yeah I'm sick... but guess what!?! I'm bored and I'm losing my Fucking Mind! Furries are fucking awesome and I don't give a shit!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Saturday, January 8, 2011

God Bless Cudi!

So all I've been listening to lately is a shit load of Kid Cudi...mostly when I've been smoking pot with the boyfriend. I've seen him preform in a private setting and he's Fucking Amazing!. He was Drinking, Smoking and Staight WestCoasting on stage. I think he's on to something and we haven't even seen him at his best yet. Hurray for Kid Cudi!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Pass Da Douchie Pan De Left Hand Side.

Fresh Air.

Maria and I both shook hands "via text message" and agreed to help each other clean and redecorate our living spaces. When I saw these pix I pictured us cleaning wearing these lol.

Expensive Taste.