Sunday, March 28, 2010

Friday, March 26, 2010

Pretty...Fucked Up.

I just wanted to share my love for pretty girls who either look or who are Fucked Up. Happy Friday!


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tainted Love.

My favorite couples that never made it but from the looks of things, it probably was for the best.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fall Into The Gap.

Years ago I once had braces. My bonded retainer broke a few years back and now i have a gap I was considering getting it fixed but i feel like it's grown on me...So Fuck It!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Adventures in Babysitting.

Chayo got called at the last minute to babysit. So we had the young lads parents drop him off at my place for a few hours. We tried to keep the kid entertained by baking a cake which didn't turn out so well but we had a blast trying. We later watched Ghostbusters and Sponge Bob.

Spanning With My Steak.

After towing Joe's BMW to my house from Mettler we did tons of making up and watched movies till almost 5am. The next day we went to watch "Allice In Wonderland"and spent the day shopping and eating all kinds of Junk food that Joe's body seems to be immune to gaining weight. Our days consisted of cracking up about dumb shit and being lazy bums around the house watching movies. Some of our days consisted of lounging at Casa Bonita where I watched the guys play pool, drink, smoke and straight westcoast. To pass the time there I took pictures of my accesories on my smoke break and BBMed Chayo. Before leaving El lay I had Joe's car towed to casa Bonita's since my dad's a Parking Nazi! later followed by a lovely "Linner" at Dr.Hoggly Woggly's (and if u don't know, u need to ask somebody!)As we arrived to Fresno we decided to go grocery shopping and make a quick stop at RedBox. Mean while Joe took his time finding a movie I stumbled across some fabulous jewelry with the virgin mary on it that I scored for 50cents! SCORE! We later ended the night in bed watching movies and feeding each other. Gag! I guess u don't realize how gross u are till ur in love.

This Is Where Things Get Interesting.

Since Chayo slept over we decided to spend the day downtown shopping. My purchases consisted of different jersey knit fabrics to make reversible tube skirts since I'm too poor to by clothes (A Tear Slowly Rolls Down My Cheek) I also purchased a few pairs of five dollar shades and some street meat! Yay! Since Chayo and I have been Lushes for the last few days we have decided to stay in and watch "The September Issue" and "Brown Bunny"and take a quick trip to Ralphs where I squeeze this fuzzy thing of a stuffed animal while we walts up and down the asials trying to find junk food. Soon as we begin watching movies when I get "The Call". See hears the thing I've been in a funk with my Boyfriend Joe lately. I hadn't seen him in over a month and I'd become very sad and mad for many reasons that I'm not going into detail about. Any Who! Around 11:45pm I get a call from my beloved. Everything seemed fine...then he mentions to me that he needs me to come pick him up in Mettler which is like an hour away. His car broke down on his way to surprise me. My Partner in crime Chayo jump into my car in the pouring rain in the middle of the night in our jamies laughing in disbelief.